Advanced Dental Care
Advanced Dental Care
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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of techniques to address the appearance of teeth and gums due to stains and wear and gaps between teeth.  If you feel self-conscious when smiling, even the smallest changes can give your smile a whole new look and increase your confidence.

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover can be as simple as replacing discoloured fillings or bonding with

tooth coloured composite to cover chipped and stained teeth.  Crowns, veneers  composite bonding, teeth whitening and orthodontic treatment can used in combination for multiple teeth needing cosmetic and functional improvement.

Composite Bonding

Bonding is cost effective way to enhance your smile, as it is a simpler and more affordable than veneers or crowns.  The shape and size can restored or

gaps can be closed using tooth - coloured  composite resin material.

Multiple teeth can be treated in one appointment and you can walk out of our clinic with a brand new smile!

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is used to remove staining from the surface of the teeth and

lighten the shade of teeth. Whitening can be done prior to any cosmetic treatment involving composite bonding, veneers or crowns.

Reshaping misshapen and damaged teeth

Naturally misshapen, chipped or cracked teeth can be effectively restored with

composite bonding, veneers, crowns.

Orthodontic treatment

Correction of misaligned teeth can be treated using orthodontic aligners.


A veneer is made of a porcelain or composite layer that is attached to the front surface of a tooth. Veneers are usually only applied in the smile zone, they are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile. They can be made to any colour or shape to form your ideal smile. 

There are a number of reasons to have veneers:

  • Stained or discoloured teeth
  • Unsightly gaps between front teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Rough or jagged edges on front teeth
  • Teeth that are too small or large in proportion to rest of the mouth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Worn teeth

There are two types of dental veneers:

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made composite resin filling material.  The composite

is applied directly to the front surface of the tooth to cover the whole tooth surface and shaped by the dentist. Treatment is usually completed in one appointment but may require a follow up appointment if veneers are placed on multiple teeth. 

Porcelain Veneers

A ceramic layer covers the whole front surface of the tooth forming the porcelain veneer.  Similar to crowns and bridges, impressions or scans are taken by the dentist and the veneers are manufactured out of ceramic. The completed veneers are then cemented to the surface of the tooth.  This treatment requires a consultation and may take 2 to 3 appointments.

Anything that can damage your natural teeth can also chip or crack veneers, you may be advised to use an occlusal splint to prevent damage.

Dental Aligners

Clear aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment.  They are clear, plastic trays that are made to digital plan of your teeth.  A series of aligners can apply consistent, controlled force to each tooth, gently moving them into their new position. 

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