Advanced Dental Care
Advanced Dental Care
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(02) 9477 1406

Childrens Dentistry

Children's Dentistry

As a family-focused practice, ADC understands the importance of your children’s dental health. 

It is important to keep baby teeth healthy and prevent decay as they prepare the mouth for adult teeth. A child’s primary teeth are as important as their permanent teeth as they have a role in with speech development and chewing ability. 

The Australian Dental Association recommends that your children have their first check-up once their first baby teeth have erupted.

Our dentists and staff provide a safe and pleasant environment to put your child at ease, especially important for young patients who may be anxious or visiting for the first time. 

Our team are trained to help your child establish oral health practices in a fun and educational way and help them develop positive dental habits from a young age.

Eligible children have access to a benefit up to $1026.00 over 2 calendar years for check-ups, fillings and basic dental treatment under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).  Please contact us for more information.

Children who are not covered by CBDS or a health fund, we offer a child's discount when a family booking* is made.

* applies to check-up and clean appointments only when booked together on the same day with at least one parent

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